Curating as a romantic gesture was an exhibition/group exibition/fan fiction curated by Anna Stahn. She invited 20 professional crushes to exhibit love declarations to her through presents. Exibited in gallery Q may 2016.
Anna Invites:
- Aia Sofia Coverly Turan
- Alida Mølgaard
- Klara Lilja Jensen
- Sufie Elmgreen
- Katarina Cameron
- Jan Bäcklund
- Anton Bigum Kampe
- Nele Jäeger
- Helin Alas
- Noële Ody
- Monia Sander
- Henriette Heise
- Hannah Heilmann
- Klara Utke Acs
- Kasper Hesselbjerg
- Olga Ravn
- Maja Malou Lyse
- Daniel Mølholt Bülow
- Kajsa karlsson
- Mira Winding

Dear Dear
To write the invitation of a doll face, I have to look like one. Its not Nessecarily interesting that i write, now what i write have to say something.
I want the text to look silky brasque: like the letter of the worlds first reality star, Dorethy Wild, writing with a dapper instance ”What has been your mood lately?” I want to invite trough the mood of Aki Sakamotos sweet obsessions: red painted potatoes, knives, orgasmic shoe sculptures and dresses.
Its hard writing with an easy language, the invitation is a miniature, the miniature must be condensed: taste of a soup square on the tounge, romantic easy art requires deep concentration.
I have made you a present, an art-work, a fan-thing.
One year ago i invented the term ’professional in love falling’ it is a term for the one feeling drawn towards another persons articstic praxis, it is a way of changing way or intensifying trough the development of the self romance often causes. Dear Dear the work I have made you is an invitation, it is a way of looking at myself trough you it is a fan-art, fan-object, fan-text to you, an invitation as a professional romantic gesture to potentially respond back.
Nine and a half month ago i saw a photograph of a boy music collective: the mength of hot looking sculptural faces with huge artistic potential was overwhelming and intimidating, I felt invited trough the exclusion from a thousand boys and one girl: invited to curate my own gang of people i felt a longing, familiarness or excitement towards.
Comparably I obsessed over Girl and Lolita Issues, miniatures, soft garnish, miniature, lame-materials and Japaneese girl gangs ’SUKEBAN’ I read a theory book on longing, bi-products and souvenirs. I read Unica Zürn and Chris Krauss, swallowed manifests on milk, moods, and moons. I decided to make romatic gestures for each, for each person and praxis: a work which is a present for each on the list of the ones who feels related.
I fell in love with Isa Genzkens sculptures, Isa Genzken who: similarily, names her sculptures after her friends for her to remember each of them. I love art, music and writings, dance and theory, but feel so lonely producing it and somethimes i get stuck: then i go shopping. Getting a product can be a good strategy for making one. it has been the most blissfull months making things for other people, a fiery professional in love falling making work for the exciting other.
In Gallery Q, The Royal Danish Academy Of Fine Arts the 5th of May: I will make my first solo exhibition. The works i have made are sculptures, books, performance, dances, a song, some food and jewellery all highly sentimental fan-fiction. Its suggesting a group exhibition: each work is a present for each one invited hoping for an answer back: a thing, a text, a work back, an answer to be exhibited parallel to the present: the form of a present, Flippant I suggest this, but its only a suggestion, the present can be just received or declined.

The Answers/The exibition:

Dear Dear; Its a little tricky: its my first art show and its pretty much a huge portrait, its also a book release, then again its a group exibition, its about longing, miniature, correspondance, fan-fiction, professional in love falling: a way of curating a gang or a band you could say
I have invited 20 artist trough presents, romatic easy art, fan-products, highly semtimental: sculpture, clothes, menus, performance and text. These presents will be exibited in Q the weekend from the 6th to 8th may, then the artist, if they wish can have the presents and the work is theres now and they can do whatever they want with it
The invited professional crushes can answer with a work and exibit it with if they want to: they can also not respond and not recieve the present
One of the presents: 'Prism' a book of essays written for the German artist Nele Jäeger will be released duing the exibition
A performance lecture 'The slime and the book' will happen saturday the 7th a present for my professor Jan Bäcklund
Two different organ dances for a dancer and a dancer both artist will happen in the morning doing these days and black tea for the intestinal system will be served afterwards for a morning waking up
possibly more things will happen depending on response
astetical hysteric snacks shaped as eyebrows and strawberry milk drinks with vodka and cocktail cherrys will be served by two pale gorgeous looking caiter waiters on Friday a dripping performance speech by Sufie Elmgreen ‘Speech. Utter Roses (ablaze!)’will happen then a reading ‘Alexander’ by Monia Sander and at the end of Friday a funeral for a sandal from Anton Bigum Kampe, on Saturday a lecture ‘The slime and the book’ sunday: lets have squid salad together, watch an egg dance in response and wrap up the presents
hope to see you
Anna Stahn/Schoolgirl/Espressionista Eyebrow

The Answers/The exibition:
- Sepia composition exibition view
- Exibition view: Sepia composition, mexican tradition in german landscape evening fruitnet clutch and opera shoe (answer from Mira Winding) together with the works for her Sufie Elmgreen Performance: ”Speech. Utter Roses (ablaze!) She sings (for Anna but let me call her more than that)
- Exibition snacks: Eyebrow snacks (tiny eggs, sea weed, balsamico, wasabi and drawing on paper + paper cut outs), Golden konichiwa clados(golden lady beer, yuza fruit juice, lemon soda, Pink slime (Soy milk, fresh stawberry, vodka)
- Exibition View
- Slime and the book (performance by Anna Stahn, based on the text the slime and the book from prism, performance floor/object, porcelain, lemon pudding and cocktail cherry)
- Text for the oficcial invitation
- Purple streaming by Alida Mølgaard + Endless Sweetness by Anna Stahn
- Chromakey Sheet For Large bed by Henriette Heise + Artist working in bed: photo by Anna Stahn
- Organ Dance 1 for Klara Utke pre performance floor focusing on guts/intestinal system
- Egg dance, answer from Klara Utke
- Organ dance dress with spleen, the teo intestinal systems and liver, for Daniel Mølholt Bülow, he answered with a video/dance ”waking the spleen”
- Daniels title
- For Aia Sofia: Furniture for a pearl from the deepest of oceans/venus office afternoon chair with leather pearl + work by Aia Sofia Coverly Turan: Beachy set up for your home, perfumed Picnic for your sore feet
- Prism and writing amulet of Anna Stahn: doll face sour
- Sufie Elmgreen performance leftovers
- For Hannah Heilmann: thank you note/key to sucess + from Hannah Heilmann: Lille beige (nail key)
- Squid penetrator 3D print for Maja Malou
- A part of Anton Bigum Kampes work:
- Anton Title: Recalling what is lost by appreciating what remains (a sculptural performance in commembration of the slaugther of the great barrier reef to Anna Stahn)
- A part of Antons installation/performance sculpture
- Palm glass for Noële
- Me practising organ dance in the floor painting/choreography
- Food performance + essay ”squid preperation”
- Squid preperation dish/sculpture
- Menu for Kasper Hesselbjerg + Hotdog Prinsesserne from Kasper Hesselbjerg (part of his cucumber Atlas)
- Chineese Murder Soup for Monia Sander
- Helin Alas ”Helin” + Anna Stahn ”The potential of not seeing/sculptural manicure”
- Monia Sander reading ”Alexander”
- The Slime and the book Anna Stahn performance leftovers
- Kajsa Karlsson ”Reply” + Anna stahn Cereal Killer, Kyoto Beige Dessert Witch, Ocean Deep shopping Desire.
- Kajsa Karlsson Reply
- Aia Sofie Coverly turan Beachy set up for your home, perfumed Picnic for your sore feet
- Sukeban Nunchargo made from bamoo, jewerly items and tape for Olga Ravn
- Slime and book before-performance-set-up
- The slime an the book performance lecture for Jan Bäcklund: slime narrators Aske Høier Olsen and Anna Stahn
- Performance cooking show cooking squid/Squid preperation
- Opera shoe from Mira Winding + Simili Knife and Fake CUCCI shoes by Anna Stahn
- Endless sweetness for Alida + Purple Streaming by Alida Mølgaard
- Piece for Katarina Cameron with title
- Squid Obsession by Anna Stahn + Mouth Piece By Klara Lilja
PPS: A Deep Thank you: to all the artist and fanned persons, the ones that diden't respond and the ones that responded, both gestures were important, thanks to the ones who answered and thanks to the one who diden’t, thanks to everybody that came, ate the snacks, read the book, participated, saw the exibition and performances. love, Anna Stahn